First Blog Post!
Hi there and welcome to my website!
My previous personal website was created using Next.js 12 and all the content was hardcoded, meaning it was cumbersome to add new content. In this new revamped website, I used Next.js 13 and the (now stable) app router. I'm no designer, but all components here are bespoke, with all breakpoints considered. I have some thoughts about the app router, both good and bad, but I will detail my thoughts in a future post.
So the front end is using Next.js deployed on vercel and also have a Strapi CMS with a postgres database deployed on railway. This set up means that I can easily manage content without needing constant redeployments of my code.
The current state of the website is enough to meet my goals, but there are still plenty of desirable features that I want to add. This includes:
- Add filtering via tags and sorting on the portfolio page
- Recreate the landing page with fluid animations